Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Maybonne!

Today is my faboo sister's birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSU!!!

Every time someone in our family has a birthday, the Jordans gather around the phone and call the lucky birthday boy or girl on the phone and we yell/sing Happy Birthday to them.  It's tradition.  Our old dog Sam, who died last year, used to howl every time he heard the birthday song, so it's like he sang along with us.  Our new dog, Sam, doesn't howl, but certainly looks very interested in our singing.   Maybe the howl is yet to come?  Fingers crossed.

Anyway, this morning bright and early we called Susan and sang to her, then Susan gave ME the fabulous gift of a reminder.  She reminded me of Lynda Barry comics - I haven't thought of them in years.  They were originally introduced to be by Jill, one of my best friends who lives in California.  We met in camp when we were 14 and I used to go see her every summer after that.  Anyway, Jill used to cut these comics out of newspapers and send them to me, then when Lynda Barry put out books I bought them as fast as I could.  There is just something about her humor that I adore and never gets old.  Here's a sample:

And here's another one:

I'm guessing that you either LOVE it or HATE it.

I love it.  Always have, always will.

I may have to show these to the boys, but I don't want them to destroy my old Lynda Barry books.  I may keep her all to myself.

PS - Susan is big sister Maybonne and I'm little sister Marlys.  Please find her comics and give them a look and you'll know what I mean!

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