Thursday, June 13, 2013

I'm "chic"!

My high school reunion was held at my boarding school this past weekend.  I had so much fun and the no-booze thing was a non-issue for me, I'm happy to say.  

Right when I got there I told my 2 girlies I had emailed previously that I would meet them wherever they were.  They were at a seminar held by a classmate.  I registered, gathered my loot (a blanket with the school logo on it and a 4 pack of beer specially brewed for our class) and found the classroom where the seminar was being held.

I had no idea what the seminar was about.  Turns out it was about how to present the best you in any business scenario.

My business is laundry, vacuuming and car pools, so no stress for me.

We were asked to pair up with someone we didn't know and write 5 words that describe them as a first impression.

The list that this elegant woman from the class of '63 wrote began with the word "lovely".

I hugged her immediately.

I don't remember all the other words, but 3 others were "extroverted", "open" and "chic".

Can you believe "loud" wasn't on the list?!!!  I can't!!!  Great moment for Lauren!!!

I taped the list to my dorm door.

More stories to follow I'm sure, although I have been sworn to secrecy for most of them.  :)

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