Friday, January 19, 2018

A New Friend

So I found my first grey hair.

On my head, to be clear. I have found stray white eyebrow hairs before but I plucked those suckers and tried to forget them.

I found the single grey hair right where my hair parts. It's curly. My regular hair is bone straight.

The timing of this is suspect, by the way. It all happened a week after my sister and I said OUT LOUD that neither of us have any grey hair yet. She's older. I feel robbed.

And like my friend Jennie always says, "don't bring the evil". I brought it on by saying it out loud. Totally my own fault.

Anyway, tonight I stuck my head right under my husband Sean's nose and demanded he flashlight the hair, to determine if it's white or grey.

He said "It's a different shade of white."

So, it's grey.

Then he asked if I wanted him to pluck it out and I surprised myself when I said "NO!"

I earned that sucker, It's my new friend.

And, it's curly! Maybe my hair will finally have the full body I have always longed for!

Silver lining. Or, grey lining. Whatever.

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